Terms & Conditions

Rehab Management’s products and services are provided by Rehab Management Pty Ltd as part of the Arriba Group. These terms of Use (“terms”) govern your use of Rehab Management’s website, apps, content, other products and services (“services”). As some of our services may be software that is downloaded to your computer, phone, tablet, or other device, Rehab Management unconditionally reserves the right to automatically update this software and you agree that these terms will apply to any such update(s). Please read these terms carefully and contact us if you have any questions. By using our Services, you agree to be bound by these terms, including the policies referenced in these terms.

Rehab Management Ownership:

All right, title and interest in and to our website, the services and all content and materials contained therein (“website”), together with all associated Proprietary Rights is owned by Rehab Management (“RM”) and its parent company Arriba Gorup and no ownership of any of the foregoing items are given, transferred to or vested in you by virtue of these terms and conditions or any Agreement with RM permitting you to use our website.

Using Rehab Management’s e-Learning platform:

Use of the Site

The use or access of our website, the services and all content and materials contained therein (“website”) by anyone under the age of 13 is prohibited and certain regions and Content Offerings may also have additional requirements and/or restrictions.

You may only use our website upon entering into a binding agreement with Rehab Management (“RM”) and also, in accordance with these terms and conditions, as well as in compliance with all applicable laws and you agree to comply with said terms, conditions and laws at all times. Without limiting the foregoing, you may not copy, republish, upload, download, post, transmit or distribute any Materials except as specifically provided herein and only with such express permission as granted by RM in writing.

Your Obligations

Subject to these terms and conditions together with any agreement (and subject to any express permissions granted by Rehab Management), Rehab Management (“RM”) grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-commercial and revocable licence (“licence”), for the duration of your next session of using our website the services and all content and materials contained therein to: (A) download to only one computer, solely for your personal use, unless you obtain the express written permission from RM to otherwise use the content. You also agree that you will only create, access and/or use one sole user account, unless expressly permitted by RM in writing and you agree that you will not share access to or information from your account with any third party.

You hereby agree that the use of our website, our services and all content and materials contained therein (“website”) does not give to, transfer or vest in you, ownership of any intellectual property rights in our website or the content you get access to when using our website.
You hereby agree that when you create your RM account and subsequently when you use certain features of your account and our website, you must provide us with full, accurate and complete information, and you agree to update your information to keep it accurate and complete.

You hereby agree, in accordance with these terms and conditions, that you (the user) will register for no more than one (1) sole user account for personal use only, unless expressly permitted to register for additional accounts by Rehab Management in writing.

Multiple or pooled connections

You hereby agree that you may not use hardware or software to multiplex or pool connections, or otherwise allow multiple users or multiple devices to have access to or use our website, the services and all content and materials contained therein (“website”) indirectly through any device.

Commercial / Multi-User Licences:
You hereby agree that the use of our website, the services and all content and materials contained therein (“website”) together with the limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable licence granted by Rehab Management (“RM”) is for non-commercial purposes only; except and unless by way of an express written and signed Agreement with RM, prior to any intended commercial use.

Content Offerings:

Changes to Content Offerings

Rehab Management (“RM”) unconditionally reserves the right to cancel, interrupt, reschedule, modify any Content Offerings, change the point value or weight of any assignment, quiz, or other assessment. Content Offerings are subject to these terms and conditions, including the Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability provisions below.

No Academic Credit

Unless otherwise explicitly indicated by a credit-granting institution in writing, participation in or completion of Content Offering does not confer any academic credit and in the event that credit is awarded by one institution, there is no presumption that other institutions will accept that credit. Rehab Management (“RM”) is under no obligation whatsoever to have Content Offerings recognised by any educational institution or accreditation organization.