Welcome to Rehab Management’s Health-e Learning+ Platform!
On this portal, you will be able to access virtual learning modules and online courses that are user-friendly, designed to guide your understanding and develop abilities in areas such as Ergonomics, Manual Handling, and in future Psychological Training, Bullying and Harassment.
If you are an individual looking to complete a course that we offer, you will be able to sign up below, choose the course you want to take, pay online via a credit card and complete your course within 48 hours of purchase. Your course access will expire within 48 hours of successful payment.
A certificate of completion will be mailed to you once you complete the course(s) of your choice.
If you are purchasing multiple courses for a team or your company, you can put through payment on the site and we will get back to you within 24 hours to process your order.
Additionally, if you are after an annual license, please contact us at reception@rehabmanagement.com.au or 1300 762 989.
If you have any other questions and / or feedback please contact reception@rehabmanagement.com.au or 1300 762 989 and we will get back to you.
Happy Learning!
The Rehab Management Team.